Mapo Tofu | 麻婆豆腐

2 tablespoons oil

2 teaspoons Sichuan peppercorns, divided

2 dried red chillies

2 tablespoons garlic

1 teaspoon ginger

1/4 lb ground pork 

Dash of salt

2 tablespoons soybean paste | 豆瓣酱

1 tablespoon chili oil

2/3 cup chicken broth

1 tablespoon rice wine

1 package firm tofu

6-8 shitake mushrooms (optional)

1 1/2 tablespoons cornstarch

1/2 cup water

3 scallions

Prep all ingredients: grind Sichuan peppercorns, chop dried chillies into segments, and chop garlic and ginger. Heat oil in wok over medium-high heat. Add chillies and half of ground Sichuan peppercorns. Cook until lightly toasted in oil. Stir in garlic and ginger for 30 seconds, taking care not to burn them. Add ground pork and immediately sprinkle with a dash of salt. Add soybean paste and chili oil when pork is no longer pink. Stir until combined. Pour in chicken broth and rice wine. Bring to a boil. Pork should be pretty submerged--add water if too thick. 

Gently fold in cubed tofu and roughly chopped mushrooms. Stir until well-combined with meat sauce and bring back to a boil. Combine 1/2 cup water with cornstarch until mixed through and pour into wok as well. Make sure tofu and mushrooms are cooked through. Remove from heat and top with reserved, ground Sichuan peppercorns and chopped scallions.

Feel free to add more Sichuan peppercorns, dried chilies, or chili oil to up the spice level. You can also leave out the pork and replace chicken broth with water to make vegetarian. 

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