Fortune Cake | 发糕

1/2 teaspoon canola oil

1/2 cup water

1/3 cup brown sugar

1 cup self-rising flour

2 teaspoons baking powder

Put oil on paper towel and grease four heatproof ramekins. Microwave water until hot to the touch. Add brown sugar and stir until completely dissolved. Set aside. In another bowl, combine flour and baking powder. Add brown sugar water to mixture and whisk well. Evenly distribute the batter amongst the four ramekins.

Place a bamboo steamer inside a wok filled with water. Cover and wait for water to boil. Put ramekins inside steamer once water boils. Cover and steam for 25 minutes, taking care that the water never fully evaporates from the wok. Do not remove the lid frequently during the cooking process. The fortune cake should look risen and split open at the top when done. Best enjoyed warm.

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